Title I Parent Engagement Policy
The Parent Engagement Policy is jointly developed with, agreed upon with, and distributed to, all of the parents of participating children. We will to the extent possible, provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a language that the parent can understand. Furthermore, we will coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities at the school level with other federal, state, and district programs. The Parent Policy will be presented for discussion and approval with parents and the community. The Policy will be updated as needed and reviewed annually by a team of people – including parents, community members, school and district administrators, and school faculty and staff members – in order to continuously meet the changing needs of our parents, students, and the school.
The School-Parent Compact, jointly developed with, agreed upon with and distributed to all parents, will describe how parents, students, and the entire school staff, will share in the responsibility for high student achievement. A team of people-including parents, community members, school and district administrators and school faculty and staff-will annually review the School Compact.
To ensure effective involvement/engagement of parents, and to support a partnership among the parents, community and school to improve student achievement, we will:
- assist parents in understanding SC’s academic and achievement standards by disseminating pamphlets, hand-outs, parent-teacher conferences, parent workshops, and Open Houses.
- communicate and monitor a child’s progress by interim report cards, quarterly report cards, IEP meetings, weekly/monthly telephone calls, parent-teacher conferences, Star reports, dissemination state assessment information and a letter offering an explanation.
- assist parents in helping them to improve achievement of their children through parent meetings, adult education, newsletter that provide activities and suggestions.
- educate teachers and other staff members, with the assistance of parents, in reaching out to, communicating with, and working with parents through PTO, SIC, conferences, workshops, and staff development.
- send information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents in a format and language they can understand through school messenger, social media pages, paper flyers, PTO meetings, school improvement council, school calendar, and family parent/student handbook.
- provide opportunities for parents to communicate with the school through open door policy to meet with principal and/or teachers, and parenting workshops.
**** If at any time you would like to provide the school with suggestions on how we can better involve parents, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may send comments/questions directly to Darrell Belgrave via email ([email protected]), note, and/or phone call (864-576-1270).