Student Resources
SC Discus is a database provided to all SC students and teachers. Use this for accurate and reliable sources for research. You are able to access SC Discus at school through your Student Bookmarks folder on your Chromebook. If you are at home, you will need to use a username and password. See Mrs. Scott or your ELA teacher for more information.
Use this form to sign up for the next event held in the library.
Take advantage of even more books to read! Through a collaboration with the Spartanburg County Public Library, District Six is proud to offer access to SORA, an ebook catalog. Explore the many titles available, check one out for two weeks, and read on your device!
The Spartanburg County Library has many resources and events that appeal to all ages. Visit their website and explore what they have to offer!
Are you having a hard time putting together your references for that research project you just completed? Do you need help knowing just where to put those commas? Try a citation generator!
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